Our Anemone Lucky Droplet became the face of the breed in the magazine Pes přítel člověka No. 6/2019
The portrait of our Mína, Anemone Lucky Droplet, was chosen by the editors of the Czech most prestigious magazine Pes přítel člověka for the cover of the June issue of this magazine. Inside the magazine, in detail of the breed Appenzell Mountain Dog, in addition to many interesting information about the history of the breed, its health, nature and a list of sports and show successes is also an overview of sports and work use of these great dogs. The author of the title photo is Lucie Bílková.
Our little Mína - ANEMONE LUCKY DROPLET was selected in 2018 by the editors of the magazine Psí kusy on the cover of the September issue of this magazine !
Inside the magazine we can find in addition to an interesting reading about our breed and other beautiful photos of our females by Jiří Skřivánek.